BitTorrent sues for trademarks
Like Richard, after yesterday's lecture, I too have been inspired to make a post on ethics. This one is concerning BitTorrent. BitTorrent is widely used as a faster way of downloading documents.
BitTorrent is more than another pesky P2P network - it divides large files into sections so they can be downloaded from different computers before being reassembled. Once you have received a section it can also be uploaded by other users so very large files can be distributed much faster than from one dedicated server
I regulary use BitTorrent, at the moment I am using it to downloade SuSE for my friend. A lot of people perceive BitTorrent as unethical as it is used for downloading films and music (which technically is stealing). However, I feel this is an issue of ethics with the user and their 'immoral' use of it, rather than the product.
However, what is unethical is using the BitTorrent name to enforce spyware or adware (or both) on my computer. Spyware and adware is the most annoying thing ever, I do not want it on my computer (like many other people). Just because it is synonymous with 'bad things' doesn't make it justifiable to use the name for *what I regard as) malicious intent. So good on BitTorrent for charging a licensing fee for anyone wanting to use their name.
i look upon adware in the same light as graffitti sprayed down the side of my house, a disgusting, annoying thing, done be selfish little fools on MY property, think that it is THEIRS.
As far as bit torrent goes, it was never invented for immoral uses, it was actually invented as a way of shipping complete iso images of linux distros in a way that wouldnt clog up linux developer's ftp server bandwidth because the open source nature of linux means that it makes little money that in reality is needed for it to be distributed and with the explosion of linux recognition and use at the turn of the millenium a new way to distribute it was needed. It's design is such that it lets the whole community feel that they have done their fair bit for the open source cause, in other words, those not strong enough to help in its development can at least help getting it out there to the masses
12:57 AM
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